Curriculum Guide
- Art
- Child Protection Program
- Cognitive Development
- Daily Living Skills
- IPC (Science and Social Studies)
- Language Arts
- Maths
- Music
- Physical Development
- Physical Education
- Social and Emotional Development
The Art curriculum in the Kindergarten introduces the students to a variety of creative experiences. The curriculum encourages personal expression using a variety of techniques and materials. Elements of design are integrated into all activities (color, form, line, value, texture, repetition and proportion). Students are introduced to the art of different cultures and the works of master artists, their lives, techniques and styles. Subjects taught in the grade level classes are integrated throughout the Art curriculum.
The Kindergarten Art curriculum develops students' abilities to:
- Recognize a variety of lines and shapes.
- Identify primary and secondary colors, telling how they are made.
- Use media and materials in a safe and responsible way.
- Recall specific works of art belonging to different artists, places, cultures and times.
- Respond and express their personal feelings, memory and imagination through their own art work.
- Recognize and implement the elements and principals of design.
Child Protection Program
The International School of the Sacred Heart promotes a safe and welcoming environment in which each person is valued, cared for and respected. Schools fill a special institutional role in society as protectors of children. Schools need
to ensure that all children in their care are afforded a safe and secure environment in which to grow and develop, both at school and away.
Program’s Main Ideas:
We all have the right to feel safe all of the time
Nothing is so awful we can’t talk about it
- Lesson 1: Feeling Safe
- Lesson 2: Taking Risks
- Lesson 3: Nothing is so awful we can’t talk about it with someone
- Lesson 4: Everyone has the right to feel safe all of the time
- Lesson 5: Touching Rule
Cognitive Development
Mathematics, Literacy and other pre‐academic areas are encouraged throughout the day using a "hands‐on" approach.
Throughout the K3 academic year the following skills develop at varying paces:
- Shows an interest in books.
- Can tell the letters in his/her own name.
- Identifies own written name.
- Tells about own picture.
- Participates in rote counting and alphabet recitation.
- Sorts objects using one descriptor.
- Attempts to count objects using one‐to‐one correspondence.
Daily Living Skills
Daily Living Skills are necessary to take care of one's self in the school environment.
Throughout the K3 academic year the following skills develop at varying paces:
- Washes hands completely and independently.
- Takes care of belongings.
- Can perform dressing and undressing skills independently.
- Moves responsibly from one activity to another.
- Demonstrates an awareness of safety.
IPC (Science and Social Studies)
The International Primary Curriculum (IPC) is an international program aimed at K3‐Grade 4 children growing up in the 21st Century. At the Sacred Heart, the IPC encompasses Science and Social Studies topics that are developmentally linked to reflect the growing complexity in thinking as children mature, as well as the rapidly changing world we live in.
One important and overarching principle that defines the IPC is its objective to encourage international‐mindedness in the student body.
This can be defined further as engaging in learning that fosters universal values,
intercultural understanding and non‐violent conflict resolution.
Through student centered inquiry based learning a love of learning is encouraged and the necessary key skills and personal qualities that will enable children to be successful in life are introduced and expanded upon.
Currently IPC themes for K3 are:
- All About Me: An inquiry into how we see ourselves, and how we relate to the world around us
- Houses and Homes: An inquiry into how and where we live
- Animals: An inquiry into the diversity within the animal world and our responsibility as world citizens to look after them
- Food: An inquiry into how diet affects our health.
- Hops on one foot.
Language Arts
Language is an integral part of every subject in the curriculum, affecting children’s ability to form concepts, access information and to develop and maintain relationships. The ultimate purpose of the Language Arts curriculum is to teach students the language abilities they need to communicate effectively as individuals and as contributing
members of society. The focus of our Language Arts program is to develop reading and writing skills so that students become readers and writers. Our Language Arts program provides rich and varied experience in each of the four interrelated language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
K3 students learn to :
- show interest and enjoyment in reading
- participate in group reading (books, rhymes, and poems)
- begin to choose reading materials and have favorites
- hold a book correctly
- know start and end of a story
- begin to show an awareness that print conveys meaning
- recognize own name in print
K3 students learn to:
- draw recognizable pictures
- use pictures to convey meaning
- make marks other than drawing on paper (scribble)
- attempt to write first name
Listening and Speaking:
K3 students learn to:
- ask and respond to questions
- use pictures to retell a story with guidance
Numbers & Operations:
- Rote counts to 5
- Understands that numbers represent the quantity of objects
- Counts objects using 1:1 correspondence to 5
- Recognize numbers to 5
Measurement and Geometry:
- Understands basic concepts of time (e.g. today/tomorrow; morning/evening)
- Understands sequence of various events
- Compares objects using comparative language (e.g. small/large; small/smaller/smallest, etc.)
- Identifies and names 2D shapes (circle, triangle, square, rectangle)
- Sorts and classify objects by one attribute
- Developing sense of symmetry
Probability and Data:
- Creating group pictographs (e.g. “K3 favorite classroom activities”; “How did you come to school today?”; “K3 favorite farm animal”; “My favorite food”, etc.)
- Collects data from everyday (real‐world) situations (e.g. favorite color, number of pets, etc.)
Algebra and Pattern:
- Developing understanding of simple (AB) patterns
- Understands time as it relates to daily activities and the weekly schedule
- Parts and wholes (introduction)
Music in the Kindergarten and Junior School focuses on developing a love and appreciation of music through song, dance, movement and instrumental performance.
At all levels, music is taught as a language, with the aural and physical experiences preceding the cognitive. From the very first days in the music classroom, the foundation to music literacy is laid using visual icons and manipulatives, melodic hand signs and “stick” notation. Students progress towards fluency with standard music notation in the later grades.
The music program also strives to address a number of other skill areas. By taking part in musical games and activities, children develop self‐confidence, effective communication skills and conflict resolution strategies. Music also develops the intellectual faculties; discerning patterns and variations brings the child’s cognitive abilities into play, and learning the words, melody and actions of a song aids memory development. Developing proper technique on classroom instruments (drums,
xylophones, recorder) promotes physical coordination and manual dexterity. Additionally, musical experiences awaken the child’s imagination, relieve internal tension and pave the way for more abstract thought processes.
Above all, students are instilled with a realization that music is a natural human
expression that celebrates the richness and beauty of the world around them.
More specifically, students in K3:
- Know (be familiar with) a repertoire of about 20 rhymes, folk songs and singing games
- Sing songs with a range of 3‐5 notes
- Sing approximately in‐tune as part of a group with the teacher’s help
- Explore different ways of using the voice (talk, whisper, sing, shout)
- Discern high/low sounds
- Discern loud/soft sounds
- Sing songs with different motions expressing the beat using clapping, walking, etc.
Part Work
- Sing a song and accompany it with a motion showing the beat
- Improvise a motion to accompany a song
Physical Development
Your child's physical development is an important part of the K3 curriculum. Physical
development includes both fine and gross motor skills.
Throughout the K3 academic year the following skills develop at varying paces:
- Has established hand dominance
- Uses scissors with control
- Uses large pencil or crayon with control
- Draws simple forms and pictures
- Attempts writing with pencil, marker or crayon.
- Demonstrates motor planning
- Runs and gallops with coordination
- Jumps with feet together
- Hops on one foot
Physical Education
The Kindergarten Physical Education curriculum is designed to develop and refine the students' basic gross and fine motor skills. It introduces sports activities relevant to the students' age and ability. Each unit places an emphasis on particular motor skills, as well as general fitness principles and social skills. The curriculum provides opportunities for the students to develop a positive self‐image. The importance of
sharing, working with one another and good sportsmanship are stressed at each grade level.
The Physical Education curriculum develops the following skills:
Social Skills
- Listening/following instructions
- Value of winning and losing
- Value of cooperation and teamwork
- Value of sharing
Physical Skills
- Flexibility
- Muscular endurance
- Cardiovascular fitness
- Muscular strength
Motor Skills
- Agility
- Coordination
- Balance
- Speed
- Reaction
Social and Emotional Development
Social and Emotional Development reflects your child's response to classroom instruction and structure. The focus of the K3 year is to provide opportunity and encouragement of social skills with classmates.
Throughout the K3 academic year the following skills develop at varying paces:
- Listens while others speak.
- Refrains from disturbing others.
- Displays self‐control appropriate to age level.
- Follows directions.
- Takes care of belongings and materials.
- Participates appropriately in discussions.
- Makes choices and plans.
- Expresses feelings and ideas with words rather than actions.
- Takes turns.
- Initiates social interactions appropriately.
- Joins in simple games.
- Follows classroom routines.
- Stays on task during large group times.
- Stays on task during small group times.