Grade 5
Curriculum Guide
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
- Media
- Library
- Languages
- Creative and Performing Arts
- Values
- Physical Education
6 periods per week
The fifth grade English program forms a bridge between the Junior School and the Middle School. It aims to nurture basic skills and to develop them further through activities involving listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Following a balanced literacy approach to the study of English, as well as making use of technological tools, the course is comprised of shared reading, independent reading, writing workshop, vocabulary and grammar study.
Students are encouraged to view writing as a process involving prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. Throughout this process, they will also collaborate with their peers to improve their writing. A variety of writing will be explored such as narrative, descriptive, persuasive, and non-narrative.
Although grammar is taught in the context of student writing as they pursue accuracy and through literature and language texts, some class time will be set aside for a more in-depth study of grammar concepts.
Students are encouraged to increase the depth and versatility of the vocabulary they use in their writing. Students collect new words from their shared and independent reading material to study and practice spelling, and then are encouraged to incorporate all of these new words into their writing. Students also expand their vocabulary in writing as they go through the writing process. Both British and American standard spellings are acceptable.
Literature is a primary stimulus for both student discussion and a springboard to writing. During shared reading, selected novels and short stories are studied in depth, and students engage in discussions about what they read. In the independent reading portion of the course, students learn practices of effective readers, including the selection of books and responding to reading. A wide variety of quality literature is available for students to borrow in both the school library and the grade 5/6 classroom library. Students are encouraged to read extensively outside of the classroom.
Oral Skills
Students are encouraged to gain confidence in expressing themselves accurately and concisely through class and group discussion, as well as reading aloud their own work and the set texts. At least two formal oral presentations will be assigned during the school year.
Homework and Assignments
Students can expect to do approximately 15 minutes of homework per 40-minute English class. Homework may be in the form of:
- Reading
- Responses to literature we are studying (i.e. worksheets, reading responses)
- Vocabulary exercises
- Grammar and mechanics exercises (worksheets, grammar exercise websites)
- Process writing (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing)
- Oral presentations
- Online posts in Moodle
- Posters and other projects
Students will be assessed throughout the year in the following areas:
- Reading comprehension and responses to literature
- Essay Writing
- Oral presentation skills
- Class participation during discussions
- Grammar and conventions in writing
- Vocabulary usage and choice
- Write Source: New Generation 5
- A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle
- The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo
6 periods per week
At each level, the mathematics program introduces and develops new topics and skills while building on the skills previously learned. Its aim is to develop an appreciation of the power and beauty of mathematics at appropriate levels of concrete and abstract development. Investigational and practical tasks are fully integrated into the work using a range of modes of learning, including doing, observing, talking and listening, discussing with other students, reflecting, drafting, and writing. Mental mathematics and problem-solving are used throughout the course. Students are encouraged to monitor their own progress and to develop confidence in using a range of mathematical skills. Topics include the following:
- Number and Computation - understand and build on number facts, improve numeracy and develop fraction, decimal, and percentage skills
- Measurement and Geometry - calculate areas and perimeters of shapes, identify and name a variety of polygons, plot coordinates and identify location, identify lines of symmetry, reflect, rotate, and translate shapes around a grid
- Data and Statistics - understand and collect different types of data, draw and interpret bar charts, pictographs, stem and leaf diagrams, pie charts, identify errors in displayed data, find averages
- Algebra - learn basic algebraic notation, collect simple like terms
Main Text
New Signpost Mathematics 6
Continuation of classroom assignments or reviewing for quizzes. 15 minutes per class period.
Assessment of the level of individual student progress is derived from a wide variety of sources that may include:
- Class work
- Homework
- Projects
- Quizzes & tests
4 periods per week
This is the beginning of a three-year general Science course in the middle school. The course is designed to provide students with a basic and broad understanding of Science, and is taught with an emphasis on skill and knowledge development through practical work. During the year, 5th Grade students will learn about laboratories, scientific equipment and the scientific method, as well as the main areas of Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) and study techniques such as lab reports and research.
- Exploring science - An introduction to laboratory safety, science equipment, and skills used in science investigations.
- Describing matter and types of changes - Describing properties of substances around us and the changes they undergo.
- Life Basics - An introduction to the characteristics of life, types of living organisms, and the life cycles of animals.
- Energy - Exploring different forms of energy and their uses
Homework and Assignments
These will include:
- Lab reports
- Researching
- Reflection questions
- Reading
The development of the science skills outlined above will be assessed along with organizational skills. The development of scientific knowledge is assessed through a variety of assignments and quizzes.
Social Studies
5 periods per week
The fifth grade Social Studies curriculum includes the study of History and Geography.
In Geography, students will learn elementary school geography skills and become familiar with the main themes of Geography: Place, Location, Movement, Region, and Human-Environment Interaction.
In History, students will learn about historical practices which include: chronology and timelines; primary and secondary sources; author’s point of view and bias.
In History, Students will write their first History Chronicle: biography. Students will learn how to research a topic using credible sources. They will learn how to ask questions that will help drive their research. Finally, they will organize their findings into a non-fiction report following an essay structure and showing cause & effect in their writing.
In History, the course aims to give students an introduction to historical practices and then step back in time to study the rise and fall of Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, and ancient Greece focusing on the features of civilizations.
Some of the course objectives are:
- to develop skills in four strands: writing, reading and comprehension, oral expression, primary geography skills
- to foster historical imagination
- to learn the basic geographical location of the places under study
- to provide a firm basis of historical knowledge
- Collect information
- Map work
- Continuation of classwork
- Oral and visual presentations
- Writing exercises
- Research
- Timelines and maps
- Graphic organizers
- History Chronicle
- Written work: responding to written questions, note taking, interpreting primary and secondary sources, write a biography following an essay format
- Follow the research process to learn about a subject (biography)
- Primary geography skills including map skills
- Oral skills: class discussion, debate, individual and group presentations
- Reading comprehension (non-fiction) quizzes
- Simulations and role-play
- Class participation
1 period per week
ICT (Information, Communication and Technology)
The main objective of ICT classes in Grade 5 is to develop each student’s independence on the computer through engaging assignments in which skills can be transferred to all other curriculum areas.
By the end of Grade 5, students will have:
- Set up and managed an individual email account.
- Gained experience using Google Docs to manage files as well as save, share and work collaboratively.
- Seveloped some research and critical literacy skills.
- Learned how to present research findings in a graphically attractive and informative manner.
- Been exposed to online safety and Internet best practice.
- Learned the basic concepts behind computer programming.
1 period per week
Library Media Studies
The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to the facilities and resources offered in the Middle and High School library. Students will learn about the borrowing policies associated with various resource types and how to locate those resources in the library, particularly through the use of the Alexandria Online catalog database. There will also be a large focus on technology use, as students will learn about media and reflect upon their own media usage through discussions and projects. They will deepen their understanding of digital citizenship and develop responsible online habits. The growth of information literacy skills will be a core objective of the course. An appreciation of literature and opportunity to read for pleasure will be addressed by participation in the Sakura Medal program.
The fifth grade language classes are scheduled with sixth grade classes. All three languages offered are timetabled simultaneously and classes in all three languages develop the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing and are kept small to maximize language acquisition.
JAPANESE: 4 periods per week
The International School of the Sacred Heart offers two Japanese programs: as a Second Language (JS-for non-Japanese speakers) and Japanese as a First Language (JF-for Japanese speakers).
Japanese as a Second Language
The aim of this course is for students to acquire sufficient competence in Japanese to meet their communicative needs, to gain knowledge and appreciation of Japanese culture and to enjoy using the language so that they may become life-long learners. Students will acquire sufficient competence in Japanese by developing all four language skills. Students are placed in different levels according to their language ability. Classroom activities include oral, reading, writing, role-play, skits, interviews, essays, journals, projects, presentations, etc.
- Unit tests (speaking, listening and writing)
- Quizzes (oral and written)
- Kanji
- Essays
- Homework
- Oral presentations (skit, speech, interview, presentation and oral work in class)
- Projects
- Class participation
Japanese as a First Language
This course is designed for native Japanese speakers and follows the Japanese language curriculum program used in the Japanese schools. Students follow a balanced program, which incorporates development in the four language skills. Students develop critical thinking, linguistic sensibility and sensitivity through reading of fiction and nonfiction, appreciating poetry and writing on varied topics. Kanji skill is developed as well as relevant and accurate expressions in writing and speaking. Students are given the opportunity to connect with their own experience and to foster a positive attitude to Japanese culture and other cultures. Teachers use varied methodology in class and students are placed in levels according to their language ability.
- Unit tests
- Quizzes
- Kanji
- Essays
- Homework
- Oral presentations (skit, speech, interview, presentation and oral work in class)
- Projects
- Class participation
FRENCH: 4 periods per week
Language as communication is the basic concept of the fifth and sixth grade French program. There are two levels offered to students who are placed according to their proficiency in the four language skills. Students will learn to read, to talk and to write about a variety of topics beginning with themselves and reaching out to the world around them.
Grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary are presented in dialogues, descriptions, short stories, poems, small plays, drill exercises, educational games, songs, as well as using videos and Internet resources. They are integrated through specific projects and productions (dialogues, descriptions…). Emphasis is placed on vocabulary expansion, verb tense mastery and pronunciation. Students are encouraged to extend their language skills beyond the program when possible.
Within the study of the language students will also get to discover French culture, as well as other cultures included in the French speaking world known as La Francophonie. Each year, the French Department focuses on one country from the Francophonie and organizes events and workshops in relation to this country, in order to deepen the understanding of students, as well as to make the language alive.
The levels taught are in line with DELF’s exams of French Ministry of Education and the levels of the Council of Europe' s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL).
Homework and Assignments
Prepared exercises on:
- Text comprehension
- Grammar
- Vocabulary
Reference book (among a variety of customized material)
Décibel 1 Manuel + Exercise book. (A1 - Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
- Tests
- Quizzes (oral and written)
- Listening practice
- Reading & conversation in class
- Oral presentations
- Class participation
- Project
- Homework
A student enrolled in the ELA (Language) program has additional English language instruction while other students are taking French or Japanese. ELA students use these periods for theme-based English language study with a communicative and genre-based focus. Content material is often based on the themes and the language skills addressed in mainstream classes.
ELA students in this program have generally achieved a strong communicative competence in their interpersonal use of language. However, because their academic language skills are still developing, additional ELA instruction is needed. This course aims to develop academic reading and writing skills, in particular. As student independence is also one of the goals of the ELA program, these classes also aim to further develop learning-how-to-learn skills, as well as compensatory strategies to enable students to continue to learn language independently. Instruction and assessment focus on skills which enable students to self-monitor, self-correct, and self-assess in order to become active and independent language learners.
Once a student has acquired a level of competency that allows her to function in the content areas along with her peers, she may transfer from the program to take either Japanese or French, provided there is a suitable class available.
A student’s growth in English is monitored on a regular basis through a variety of language-based tasks. Effort and in-class participation are also important criteria in the assessment of an individual’s language development.
Recommended texts:
All students should have access to a reputable online bilingual dictionary, as well as the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Students may also wish to have a paper version of the bilingual dictionary for use during tests and exams.
Creative and Performing Arts
MUSIC: 1 period per week for one year
This course aims to develop an appreciation of music through a varied schedule of activities including guided listening, note-reading, improvisation and composition. An important element of Grade 5 music is public performance through singing two-part songs and playing instruments from different cultures around the world. This course focuses mostly on folk songs and multicultural songs as students are asked to deepen their knowledge of music as reflected in different cultures. An emphasis is placed on understanding rhythmic notation, aural listening and developing sight-reading skills to improve their music literacy. It is hoped that students will come to understand the central place that music plays in our lives.
● Projects
● Worksheets
● Tests (singing, written, aural, transcription, listening, sight-reading)
● Quizzes
● Group Work/Performance
● Public Performance
● Effort
DRAMA: 1 period per week for one semester
This is an introductory course in Drama. The students develop group work through improvisation and basic drama skills, as well as confidence through a variety of simple Drama games. Voice projection, enunciation, spacial awareness, focus and eye contact are also explored through the semester.
● Ability to listen, follow directions
● Cooperate in group activities and work as a team
● Personal effort & enthusiasm
● Performance tasks.
2-D Art: 2 periods per week for one semester
The course aims to promote an enjoyment and appreciation of art while developing the necessary skills to enable the realization of successful works of art. Students will complete projects that give them experience in the areas of drawing (portrait, still-life), and painting (watercolor, acrylic). Emphasis is placed on both creativity and skill development. By teacher demonstration and practice students will learn to use art materials, equipment and techniques with confidence and proficiency. The development and improvement of observational skills will be encouraged as well as the ability to create thoughtful, original, and well-composed finished pieces.
● Listening and following directions
● Class participation
● Idea development and reflection
● Time management and organization
● Studio procedures and use of materials
3-D Art: 2 periods per week for one semester
Grade 5 students will be introduced to a variety of ways to create functional and sculptural three-dimensional artwork. Students will explore different media such as clay, wire, papier-mâché, and paper to create meaningful and personal artworks. Throughout the semester, students will learn to develop original ideas as well as revise and reflect on their creative process. Students will be introduced to contemporary 3-D artists and art related careers.
● Listening and following directions
● Class participation
● Idea development and reflection
● Working collaboratively with class members
● Time management and organization
● Studio procedures and use of materials
HOME ECONOMICS: 2 periods per week for one year
Students learn to be independent in the kitchen. Through teacher demonstration and practice, they acquire knowledge about kitchen and food safety, basic kitchen equipment, measuring techniques, cooking terminology and techniques and dishwashing techniques. For nutrition education, MyPlate dietary guidelines are introduced so that they become comfortable and confident in their food choices. Table manners are also emphasized.
● Class participation
● Motivation
● Positive attitude
● Cooperation with group members
● Time management
● Organization of self & materials
● Clean up
● Group reflection and self evaluation
2 periods per week
The aim of all Values courses is to encourage students to discover and define the values by which they live, to show concern and respect for all people and for their faith, to reflect on their own behavior and to value prayer and spirituality.
The Values program at Grade Five will focus on World Religions including Christianity.
The aim of studying Christianity is to encourage students to consider what it means to have a religious view of life. Students are asked to reflect on their own experiences and beliefs as well as the beliefs of others through the themes of Community, Story, People, Celebration and Values. An understanding and respect for the beliefs of others is always encouraged.
World Religions
The aim of studying World Religions is to introduce students to the history and fundamental beliefs and practices of the major world religions. Students are encouraged to discover and define the values by which they live, to manifest concern and respect for others, to reflect on their own behavior and to value prayer and worship. An understanding of the common strands in all religions is fostered. The leaders and founders of the world’s major religions will be studied this year. We will focus particularly on Islam, Buddhism and Judaism.
In grades 5 and 6 teachers will use a variety of methods to assess the students’ progress. Students will be assessed on:
- Class work
- Group work
- Written work
- Participation in class
Physical Education
3 periods per week
The Physical Education department is focused on developing lifelong fitness and health attitudes that benefit students. We intend to guide students through physical activities that strengthen and enhance their understanding of physical health by using a variety of fitness and health disciplines that promote lifelong fitness and wellbeing.
Throughout this course students will participate and develop an understanding of collaboration skills, rhythm and dance, invasion games and leadership, net/wall games and sports science. These units incorporate project based learning to allow students to use their own interests, work with others and use a range of technologies to support their learning throughout each unit. Students will be assessed in both formative and summative assessments and a PE journal is used by students to reflect on their learning and engage in continual feedback.
In Grade 5 students participate in a number of sports / activities covering skills, game play, rules and strategies.
Incorporated within the program is extensive fitness testing
Club Sports
All students are encouraged to participate in optional sport clubs, which are offered throughout the year. The clubs are non-competitive, fun, and occur throughout the week from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.