Tokyo Fast Facts

  • Japan's time zone is GMT+9.
  • Japan's currency is the Yen.
  • There is no daylight savings time in Japan.
  • The population of Greater Tokyo (approximately 12 million people) is about 10% of the Japanese population.
  • There are about 380, 000 Foreign residents in Tokyo.
  • There are 23 wards in Tokyo.
  • Japanese drivers drive on the left side of the road.
  • The fare for a taxi in Tokyo is usually ¥710 for the first 2km. From there it is about ¥80 for every 274m traveled.
  • The electricity voltage in Japan is 100V. Plugs have two non-polarized pins.
  • There are two international airports in Tokyo, Narita and Haneda.
  • The emergency number for the police is 110.
  • The emergency number for the Fire/Ambulance is 119.
  • Train travel within Tokyo and throughout Japan is extremely popular. You can find the details of any train travel throughout Japan by checking out