Extended Day Program
The Extended Day Program (EDP) provides a safe and enjoyable environment for students of working parents after school from 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. The International School of the Sacred Heart educates girls so that they may lead fulfilling personal and professional lives.
SY 2024-25 Semester 2
- The Extended Day Program is intended for families that require childcare after school on a regular basis.
- The EDP runs from 3 to 6pm.
- Students will be registered for the EDP for the entire semester, for every school day.
- Once registered, families will only need to inform the EDP staff on days the student will NOT attend.
- If the student has an After School Activity (ASA), it is the family’s responsibility to notify the provider of the student’s participation in the EDP. The ASA provider will pick-up/drop-off the student to/from the EDP.
- The EDP will not be available on National Holidays.
- The first day of the EDP for the 2024-25 school year is Tuesday, January 21st, 2025. *Monday, January 20th is a National Holiday
SEMESTER FEE: 260,000 yen per student
Please note that Semester 2 fees are slightly higher than Semester 1 due to more days of EDP being offered.
- Families will pay for an entire semester at a time.
- The 260,000 yen is a flat fee for the full semester, regardless of the hours attended and whether the student has ASAs or not.
- Please register via the link below.
- After registration, we will reach out with more information regarding the program, including payment details.
- There are no refunds.
Registration Link for SY2024-25
The deadline to register is Wednesday, January 8th, 2025.
Students will enjoy the following activities:
- 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. snack time, free play
- 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. outside play time in the Kindergarten playground if weather permits
- 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. arts and crafts and/or homework time
SNACK: Please send a daily nut-free snack labeled “EDP” with your child, to differentiate it from their daily morning snack.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at edp@issh.ac.jp