Tama Hills
c/ Yokota Air Force Base
Telephone: 042-378-8446
From Tokyo, please take Chuo Expressway, get off exit at 3-1 (Inagi I.C.) towards to Inagi Ohashi, then go towards to Kawasaki Kaito (gear left) from the exit road, do not go through the tunnel.You will go two spot lights, then be taking a right; at the intersection, you will see MacDonald’s sign, on the right side.
Please put the below information on your car Navigation. Tama Hills is right next to this hospital, just pass the hospital on the left side.You will see a Western style, Putt Putt Golf course from the road side; that is the Tama Hills US Government, resort facility.Just go to the gate; a security guard will greet you.Please do bring your foreign ID card and or Japanese picture ID card; you will need to know the code to your JN driver’s license, as security will digitally zap it, identifying your JN nationality; you can of course always bring your passport.Tama Hills Resort is unique as it belongs to US Government, US Forces, Japan and part of Yokota Air Base, hence the security.
The closet station is Minami Tama Station, Nambu Line, JR.As you exit the station, go straight heading to the main road, about a couple of walking minutes; at the main street, please take a right; you will need to cross the street at some point, keep walking for about 10 minutes.
Tama Hills is right next to the below name hospital, just pass the hospital on the left side.You will see a Western style, Putt Putt Golf course from the road side; that is the Tama Hills US Government, resort facility.Just go to the gate; a security guard will greet you.Please, do bring your foreign ID card and or Japanese picture ID card i.e. driver’s license; you will need to know the code to your JN driver’s license, as security will digitally zap it, identifying your JN nationality; you can of course always bring your JN passport.Tama Hills Resort is unique as it belongs to the US Government, US Forces, Japan and part of Yokota Air Base, hence the security.